EP 80: Herbs to End a Virus That Won't Quit

Episode 80! Today is a short solo episode about herbs to support with long-haul viral infections such as COVID. It is a very short list of herbs I love to work with including hawthorn, cats claw, elecampane, schisandra berry, nettles and ginger. 

I would love to hear from you any favorite plants for illness and recovery. You can find me on Instagram @thymeinthestudiopodcast and let me know in comments or send me a dm. 

Also supporting your gut microbiome is the golden ticket to supporting your immune system. I created a list of over 60 things you can do to easily support your belly.  

And thanks to all of you who listen, like, share, rate, and review the podcast. It makes a big difference and I deeply appreciate your enthusiasm for the show.

If you super duper love the show and want to support with a few bucks each month you can join at patreon.com/thymeinthestudio


EP 81: What to Eat to Feel Awesome? Postpartum Nutritionist of Live Wild and Be Well, Katie Braswell, Spills the Beans


EP 79: Teach like no one else to captivate your audience with Bryan Hull