EP 92: The Magic of Fire Cider, Cyanotypes and Epic Herbal Elixirs with White Deer Apothecary/Lauren Peterson

In today’s episode I had the great honor of chatting with Lauren Peterson of White Deer apothecary. I loved hearing about her journey as an artist, herbalist and educator. She taught a class on cyanotypes that lit a fire under me and was so fun and empowering! And I made a bunch of cyanotypes this summer. I chose all my favorite sun prints and compiled them into a calendar for the year. I will have them for sale on my website in the coming days! 

A few of the highlights in this class are hearing how Lauren is so resourceful and the ways she innovates when she makes fire cider. It was also so fun to hear more about her brand’s evolution and how she weaves together creativity and aesthetics with her product line and teaching pedagogy. If you get a chance to buy any of her products, you will not regret it, everything she makes smells and tastes like absolute heaven! And it was so fun to hear about her approach to product design and radical flavor combining. 

Here’s a Bit About Lauren

Herbalist Lauren Peterson is a Juniper-lover, Sacred Journey School of Herbalism graduate & now teacher, and owner of White Deer Apothecary. Lauren's passion for plants grew from her desire to deepen her connection with the natural world and nurture relationships that allow healing to take place. Her favorite places to be are outdoors, in the kitchen, and on the dance floor.

Big shout out to Aaron Travers of the band Emptier for the show music. And thanks to all of you who listen, like, share, rate, and review the podcast. It makes a big difference and I deeply appreciate your enthusiasm for the show. 

And thanks to all of you who listen, like, share, rate, and review the podcast. It makes a big difference and I deeply appreciate your enthusiasm for the show.

If you super duper love the show and want to support with a few bucks each month you can join at patreon.com/thymeinthestudio


EP 93: Taking the Big Leap to Do You with Brianne Hogan


EP 91: Unwinding Emotional Eating Patterns with Empowered Eating and Living with Sarah Emily Speers