EP 82: Bang a Drum with Tara Seren

I’m so excited to share this episode with you!

This is a chat with a fellow artist and doula, Tara Seren. She has written children's books and offers healing bodywork and ceremonial services and courses. The focus of this chat is on her current drum-making workshops. We get into the transformative power of hearing a drumbeat and the importance of community to heal ourselves and the land. 

Tara Seren creates an ethically supportive space where interpersonal and interpersonal growth and healing can occur. Tara facilitates inclusive and culturally aware rites of passage work that can open the space for intentional healing of inter-generational trauma through the somatic healing arts, the creative process, and entheogenic seminars and micro-dosing. With 20 years of training and experiential practice in Holistic and integrative approaches, services are tailored to the individual and encompass the whole cycle and are designed to deepen the Healers Journey.

Tara hosts Whole-Cycle services, sessions, and seminars both locally and abroad. Tara’s teachings help to exercise, enhance and develop the skill sets of both client and facilitator in navigating the intuitive psyche towards recognizing the veils of transformation within themselves, others, and within groups. 

Services include birthing, postpartum/reclaiming your body, abortion healing/support, coming of age/transitional rites of passage, union ceremonies, untangling/rewriting sacred contracts, death/dying doula work, psychopomp, soul renewal, drum birthing, reclamation/initiation rites of passage, psychedelic healing/integrating plant medicine journeys, and intuitive shamanic healing sessions (remote and in-person).

More info about Tara

Integrated and informed Entheogenic Practitioner, Rite of passage & Whole Cycle Doula



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EP 83: 5 Ideas to Help you Sleep at Night


EP 81: What to Eat to Feel Awesome? Postpartum Nutritionist of Live Wild and Be Well, Katie Braswell, Spills the Beans