EP 90: How to Grow a Wellness Business with Late Bloomer Herbals, Malia Thompson

Have you been wanting to start your own herbal business and looking for insight about some innovative ways to expand or begin? This chat is full of so many gems about how Malia has pivoted and shifted her business and serves people in so many cool ways. It was also so fun to hear about living with Turkeys, her Aporchecary and connecting with her garden as a source of inspiration for formulation ideas for her products.

Here’s a Bit About Malia

Malia Thompson is a certified Clinical Herbalist, Clinical Nutritionist, and Flower Essence Practitioner practicing in the the Boulder County area since 2016. Malia’s specialties include digestive related issues, sleep/stress/mood disturbances, addiction and trauma recovery support, and empowerment for Empaths.

Malia Thompson Links

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EP 91: Unwinding Emotional Eating Patterns with Empowered Eating and Living with Sarah Emily Speers


EP 89: Rituals and Plants for Enhancing the Pleasure of Focus