EP 86: Abortion Care and Resilience with Full Spectrum Doula and Herbalist, Bonnie McIntosh

Abortion is Healthcare. Bonnie shares how she remains resilient, supports others to do the same and how to keep going and doing your work from a space of love. She also shares privacy concerns and so many resources! this episode is not to be missed!

Here’s a Bit About Bonnie

Bonnie McIntosh is an abortion & miscarriage doula, a clinical herbalist, and reproductive justice activist. She strives to help people cultivate a relationship with plants as a birthright and reconnect people to their bodily sovereignty. She spent her upbringing between parents in Flagstaff AZ and Crozet VA, instilling in her a deep love of the desert and the plants that call it home, and believes they have much to teach us about resilience.

Bonnie McIntosh Links

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EP 87: Carving the Realities of a Creative Path with Marisa Aragón Ware


EP 85: Manifesting Magic and Creating an Oracle Deck with Liliana Perez of @Hijaqucura